Sunday 22 June 2014

Silk Street 'video wall'

From the Chair of the Barbican Association Planning Committee:

Dear All,

The Arts Centre's listed-building-consent application 14/00500/LBC is for a 6-screen 'video wall' facing outwards above the doors to their Silk Street entrance, with displays "changing configurations instantly" to advertise the Centre's programme and raise the profile of the entrance. Montage and design statement enclosed; total screen size is 7.29m wide by 0.69m high.

I'm happy with their basic idea but wonder whether we should ask for a condition limiting hours of use, e.g. not between 11pm and 7am? The display would not lie directly opposite any flats and lies under a substantial overhang (photograph enclosed), but flats might see some (constantly changing) light reflected off the office opposite. Do let me know what you think. Deadline for comments 9 July.

Best regards,

How it will look?
Where it will go

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