Thursday 11 December 2014

Cheapside & Guildhall strategy - last day to comment

This is the last day you can comment on the strategy

If you'd like to make your views known you need to get them to the City by Friday 12 December 2014. Visit or email

Here is what I sent in:

The highwalks are a key part of the living environment of the City.  We have already lost significant segments of the highwalks over the last couple of decades, I would not like to see us lose or downgrade the remaining highwalks. 
Contrast the way our highwalks are treated here with how New York treats its highwalks:  NY shows what we should be doing here. 
In the context of the Museum of London Rotunda this means ensuring that the highwalk is an integral and connected part of the implementation.  Please don't create new pedestrian flows which are deflected away from the highwalks. 
The highwalks are a brilliant piece of the environment in the City.  Safe for families with children, away from the fumes of traffic, a place which the City could bring to life, just like the highline in NY. 
Please raise the profile of the highwalks in your thinking and your planning, and in particular in the "Cheapside and Guildhall Enhancement Strategy".

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