Sunday 18 January 2015

External Redecoration Complete

The external redecorations work is now complete. The whole project took ~24 weeks / ~6 months.

Many residents predicted that the works would run into the winter months and that this would mean a worse job. They have been proved right on the timing. The next few years will tell us about the impact on quality. For the next external redecorations we must ask the BEO to get the bidding and planning out of the way the year before the redecoration is due to happen so work can start in April or May.

Here is the confirmation that all work is complete from Steve Murray:

With the re-decs, yes we are all done now and Sheila will be putting the sat surveys out very soon.

We do hope for a good response as the general feeling is the project has gone very well and all are happy, this as well as the planned maintenance / roof repairs and re[placing DG windows of the access equipment to utilise this and to save costs so with all the different works to co-ordinate things have gone well indeed. Of course residents have been a big help in achieving this with making and keeping appoints etc….


Steve Steven Murray
Property Services Team Manager
Housing Property ServicesDepartment of Community & Children's ServicesCity of London
T: 0207 029 3915
M: 07786 855 580

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