Sunday 18 January 2015

Film School drop-in session 12th Feb 18:30

Opportunity to view the proposals in advance of a Planning Application for alterations and refurbishment of the remainder of Exhibition Hall One for the London Film School.


We propose to convene a drop in session for residents and other interested parties from Golden Lane Campus and Cote Restaurant to attend to view the proposed plans in advance of LFS making the formal Planning Application.

The Project Architects and other consultants will be in attendance to answer any queries relating to the proposals.

There will not be a formal presentation.

Residents and other parties will be invited to record any comments or queries relating to the development in writing, if they so wish, and responses will be communicated directly to the Barbican association, the head teachers at Golden Lane Campus and the manager of Cote Brasserie.

The Planning Application 

The planning application and application for listed building consent will focus on the proposed alterations to the building, the structural and internal proposals and in particular proposals for the external facades. The planning application does not involve a change of use. 

Location and Time

Exhibition Hall One off Golden Lane 6.30pm to 8pm 12th February 2015

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