The arts centre urges people to get involved with the area strategy review:
| The Barbican Centre - your opinion counts | |
Have your say on the future of the area
You will remember that last Autumn the City of London consulted widely on a new Barbican and Golden Lane Area Strategy. This major project considered the needs and opportunities of the area in relation to the arrival of Crossrail, the creation of a cultural hub in the area, and the preservation of the historic estate in the 21st century. We were grateful that many of you responded at the time with your experiences of the Centre, and this was an important element in formulating the final strategy which has now been published by the City for consultation. We would like to encourage you now to look at the published strategy and to feedback in terms of the improvements to the area that are important to you. The deadline is Wednesday 8 July, and it is vital that the opinions of those who use the Barbican Centre are considered in this process, so that the strategy that the City of London adopts this autumn is of benefit to us all. Building on your suggestions so far regarding the streets, spaces and walkways in the Barbican and Golden Lane area, you can view a summary and a list of proposed projects online. The full report which forms the Area Strategy, commissioned by the City of London and produced by Publica, is available to read on the City of London Corporation website, where you will also find the supporting evidence. You can email your feedback to or by completing the online form. The Barbican Centre feels that the proposed strategy is an excellent, detailed piece of work and that implementing its recommendations would benefit all who use, live or work in the area. It is important to set some priorities among the possible projects, and we would draw your attention to the following recommendations, all of which the Centre supports as priorities, especially those related to access to and from the Barbican:
- Improve the arrival experience from Barbican and Crossrail Farringdon
- Improve the connection to upper podium from Barbican station
- Review options to turn Beech Street into an access-only street for vehicles
- Consider a new, direct and visible link between Beech Street/Lauderdale Place and Defoe Place on the lower podium
- Explore options to improve natural daylight levels on Beech Street
- Review options to remove the 'Yellow Shed'
- Review options to improve London Wall for all users with widened footways
- Improve the environment on Wood Street highlighting the route into the Barbican Estate
- Improve the connections between the Barber-Surgeons Garden and Noble Street
- Explore potential improvements to the arrival experience from St Paul's Cathedral and beyond
- Seek to animate the blank edges of Silk Street with further cultural uses
- Consider an architectural competition for a temporary bridge across the lake
- Seek ways to highlight the view at the end of Wood Street
- Consider options to increase the visibility and prominence of access points to the podium from Wood Street
In addition we feel a priority is a major new wayfinding and signage project for the area, to be completed in advance of the arrival of Crossrail.
Please do not reply to this email address, but send by whatever method you choose in advance of Wednesday 8 July.
Many thanks for your involvement in this important exercise.
Nicholas Kenyon
Managing Director
Barbican Centre |
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