Tuesday 27 November 2018

Cripplegate Wardmote - 20th March 2019

The new Cripplegate ward newsletter included an invitation to the 2019 wardmote

20 March, 7 for 7.30pm start
Barber-Surgeons Hall, Monkwell Square EC2Y 5BL

The event is explained in the newsletter:

Annual ward meetings known as Wardmotes will be taking place in each of the City’s 25 Wards early next year.  Electors are invited to attend the meeting in their ward, which provides an opportunity for them to meet their elected representatives (Alderman and Common Councilmen) and raise any issues they have with them. Details of the meetings are shown below and are also on the City of London website. The wardmotes below were confirmed at the time of writing but as arrangements for others are confirmed these will be added to the web link below. If the arrangements for any of the meetings change, updated information will appear on the website.

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