Saturday 9 February 2019

Maintenance Team - The Property Service Officers

The City have a web page explaining how to report a repair (Call the Repairs Reporting Line 020 7029 3909 or email, Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm).

From the BEO:

Reintroducing: Barbican Property Service Officers
From left to right Alan Pease, Christoffer Sedgwick, Shaun Moore (Senior Engineer) & Raymond Sibson.
These gentlemen work tirelessly around the clock to provide the great service you receive. Between them, they have a combined 70 years’ experience with electrical, mechanical, building & plumbing trades to provide 24/7 cover to the Barbican Estate.

They carry out day to day reactive and planned maintenance across the Estate’s electrical and mechanical services and investigate issues from water penetration, noise complaints and monitor security arrangements. They also manage, install and maintain the Background Underfloor Heating network and control, service the ventilation fans across the Estate, provide technical advice and assistance to House Groups, Working Parties, internal contractors such as Metwin; and all external contractors such as electrical supply companies, residents’ contractors and VFM.

On top of all this, the 4 also provide the Out of Hours Duty Management of the Estate and are your first port of call for emergency electrical issues and leaks. Please contact repairs or your concierges if required out of office hours.

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