Friday 1 March 2019

Barrel Roof Work Starting

It seems that all barrell roofs across the estate are to get some maintenance attention starting next week on Andrews House.  No indication when the work will reach Ben Jonson House.

From the BEO:

Works to Barrel Roofs – commencing Monday 4 March on Andrewes House
Please be aware that our contractors MH Goldsmith will commence works on the barrel roofs on Monday 4 March

The works are to re-coat the Barrel Roofs and will consist of thoroughly cleaning the barrel, before making good any damage to the water proofing; and then applying 2 coats of the waterproof liquid plastic "triflex".

Working hours are 9.00am to 5.00pm with noisy work taking place between 10.00am and 4.00 pm. No contractors will be on the balconies or roof before 9.00am. Please note that the contractors will cover over the bathroom windows in the areas they are working in.

The work will commence on Andrewes House before continuing around the estate and is anticipated to last 2 weeks. Further information will be sent out to inform other blocks in advance of the contractors reaching them.

If you have any questions, please do contact Helen Davinson.

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