Tuesday 24 March 2020

CPAs: Give them space

From the BEO:

Barbican Estate - Consideration for your Car Park and Lobby Concierge

As the Government directive is to practise social distancing and remain a safe 2 metres from others, we request residents to NOT enter the Car Park boxes when collecting parcels.

If residents could stand outside the box, a safe distance away and wait until the CPA’s have placed your parcel on the table, before coming forward to pick it up.

We also request that residents stand behind the lines in the Tower lobbies (marked on the floors) when addressing Concierge staff.

We are also currently inundated with parcels and deliveries. Our storage is full in many car parks and lobbies. Please collect your items promptly.

We appreciate your consideration in these difficult times and the health and well-being of everybody, is one of our major concerns.

Thank you

Barbican Estate Office

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