Thursday 26 March 2020

The evolving CPA service

From the BEO:

Barbican Estate Concierge Service

Car Park Concierge and the Lobbies
  • The 3 tower Lobbies will remain open. This will be 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
  • Speed Car Park Box will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
  • As of 26 March, Defoe Car Park Box will be closed for the foreseeable future. Services such as parcel delivery and key holding will be moved to Shakespeare Tower.
  • As of 26 March, the remaining Car Park Boxes will operate between the hours of 7am and 7pm only.
    • Thomas More House
    • Breton
    • Bunyan
    • Andrewes
    • Willoughby
  • Thomas More House and Breton will have a member of staff on duty between 7pm and 7am but they will be covering the remaining 5 boxes as well.
  • We will no longer be issuing pink cards for deliveries. Most services send an email or text anyway
We have received a number of comments, suggestions, and questions regarding the changes to our Estate Concierges Service Provision, which we thank you for. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to respond to each and everyone. Therefore, we have produced a FAQ which we hope to update regularly.

The Car Parks - FAQ on the Changes
  1. How many staff have you actually lost through Self-Isolation etc?  We have now lost one-third of this team with further staff losses expected.
  2. Why don’t you just get some more people in?  As well as the above losses we have also lost a number of staff from our temporary cover pool. We are however, in contact with the City recruitment agency to attempt to recruit further. We have had discussions with colleagues in other City departments to ascertain whether they can assist. But they are in the same position as we are.
  3. Is the closure of Speed & Defoe a permanent or temporary solution?  Temporary whilst we are in this situation.  At the moment by shutting these Car Park Offices and the other Car Parks at night, we believe we can open these remaining 5 Car Park Offices by using these members of staff for the day shifts.  Directional signage has been provided to the nearest open Car Park Office
  4. If Speed is shut how do I get into the Car Park?  The gate on Silk Street has been pulled across and residents can still access through the gate via the pedestrian gate within it.  Vehicles can access the Car Park by using the now opened gate (02 level) on the Willoughby ramp off Moor Lane.
  5. Will all the Car Park main gates be pulled across and shut at night-time?  No, they cannot be due to the fact residents will still need to drive in & out of the Car Park.
  6. In the 5 Car Park Offices that are only open during the day, what time will the staff be onsite?  The concierge staff will be working 7am to 7pm.  Directional signage has been provided to the nearest open Car Park Office.
  7. The staff working nights at Thomas More and Breton Car Parks, what will they be covering in the other remaining 5 boxes?  Their focus will be on Security for the Estate, as well as checking the residential doors are shut/secure and if required the removal of unwelcome visitors from the car parks.  They will also be providing residents with assistance with Keys and any emergencies that may occur across the Estate. They will not be receiving parcels for residents within ANY block.
  8. What are the contact details for my block?  This all remains the same – The repairs team, your House Officer and your Concierge are all still available on the same landline telephone numbers (the landlines will be diverted to the night staff at 7pm). Please refer to the website for further details.  The only exceptions are that Speed House Residents will need to contact the Willoughby Car Park Concierge (020 7029 3931) during the day, and either Thomas More (020 7029 3934) or Breton (020 7029 3938) at night.  Defoe House residents to the Shakespeare Porter (020 7029 3927).  (These phones are already diverted)
  9. I’m really concerned about our security with the reduction of staff.  We have discussed these alterations with the City of London Police, and they have informed us that due to the current national situation, crime rates are low and security breaches are less of a concern.
  10. What about my food deliveries?  We advise all residents in the terrace blocks to organise any food deliveries to go via the Podium entry phone. The night staff will not be receiving food deliveries for residents within ANY block – Residents will need to specify delivery via the podium intercom and provide their own telephone numbers when ordering.
  11. If my car park box is closed at night, can I collect my parcel?  No, please collect your parcels between 7am – 7pm.
  12. I have a Carer at night, and I don’t live in a Tower. How will they access my keys?  Please contact Thomas More (020 7029 3934) or Breton (020 7029 3938) between 7pm and 7am. Our staff will assist you.
We have made considerable effort and concessions to continue to provide this service. We are doing our best and have made considerable efforts given the circumstances.

Thank you
Barbican Estate Office

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