Saturday 21 November 2020

The Barbican Volunteer Group - Community Christmas

From the Volunteer Group via the BEO:

Barbican Community Christmas 2020
from the Volunteer Group

Hi Everyone,

Our volunteer group is still going strong and responding to requests for help from the community. We noticed recently that some of the practical requests have decreased, and that there's more need for emotional support and connections across the community.

Several of us spoke about organising some low maintenance activities across the Barbican Estate over the Christmas period as a way of strengthening our connections to each other during what may be a very unique winter.

Ideas include:
  • Organising socially distanced walks around the estate for those who want some fresh air as part of a small group
  • Designated 'talking benches' in the gardens where you can chat with neighbours
  • A Barbican Balcony Bell Ring on Christmas Day to spread some cheer, make some music and see each other
  • Supporting the Square Mile Food Bank with food for the festive season
If you'd like to be involved as part of a small group to help make it happen, particularly if you have some other ideas to add, let us know on

In the meantime, remember that the volunteer network is still thriving and available for anyone who needs it. The helpline number is 07376 068137.

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