Sunday 8 September 2013

Air Quality Champions meeting: 9th October 19.00

The Barbican Association Sustainability committee announce a meeting (PDF here):

Come along to our first meeting and find out more - and sign up 9 October 19.00 Seddon House meeting room 
• Host a NO2 diffusion tube on your balcony
• Take part in Fine Particle monitoring
• Wear an Ozone measuring patch
• Collect traffic survey data
• Meet Mapping for Change air quality experts
• Earn time credits for every hour you volunteer 
The City has GLA and Defra funding for a Citizen Science project on the Barbican Estate and surrounding streets. Residents will help gather data to inform and drive policy to improve air quality. Mapping for Change will be managing the project, analysing the data and helping us prepare a report. Come and meet them on the 9th and join other residents in taking action to improve air quality. 
RSVP Sarah Hudson

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