The BEO responded to say that the recent survey of residents showed that people were very happy indeed with the current communications arrangements. How can one argue with that?
Here is the BEO response:
The BEO have just conducted their annual residents survey and a report is being presented to our September committees – [see here]. There were 500 respondents and a question was asked about communications:
“How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way the Barbican Estate Office keeps you informed about issues that may affect you eg Barbicanews/email broadcasts/noticeboards/website etc?”
The results for this question was:
Communications - 91% was achieved in the “satisfied” or “very satisfied” categories in the methods of keeping the Barbican residents informed about matters that concern them. This is an increase of 4% from 2013. This year 3% were dissatisfied, down from 6% in 2013. We are particularly pleased with the increase in satisfaction as a lot of thought and work has gone into establishing the communications protocol for the Barbican Estate.
The BEO take these results as a measure of how well we are doing on communications. Just for your information the COL does not offer or support a blog service for Departments so this would not be an option. Hope that this clarifies the position.