Sunday 10 August 2014

External Redecorations: Week 2

From the project manager:
not much excitement last week – a slight hold up with contracts exchanging hands but that has been resolved now – there are works being done at roof level this week that does not impact on residents, such as prep works and washing down.

From Monday coming things will be speeding up as we have the first phase of the scaffold being erected on the north elevation which will start from the western end of the building so a much bigger presence will be noticeable from then.

I have gone through with the contractor what I would like in terms of newsletters etc….to go out to all residents with an outline programme of works, this is so we can inform you all of when we anticipate to be working on each part of the block as to notify residents as best we can to let them know when we will need patio doors / windows in an open position etc….

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