Tuesday 12 August 2014

Measuring NO2 around the Barbican

The sustainability committee of the Barbican Association are running a long term project to measure air pollution around the estate.  Volunteers keep measuring tubes attached to their railings, replacing them every month, sending in the exposed tubes to a lab.

Here is some feedback from the project:

Beech Street closure: The July results should be worth looking at when they are mapped. With Beech Street closed to through traffic for the entire period it will be interesting to see what effect this has had on readings from sites to the north of the estate. The London Air Quality Network monitor in Beech Street has recorded substantially lower levels of NO2 since the closure. These dropped by 55% - comparing hourly average levels for the 10 days prior to the closure with the 10 days since - as can be seen in this graph.

Importantly, the EU health-based target limit for NO2 levels of 200 µg/m3 (hourly average) was breached 14 times in the 10 days prior to closure but was not breached in the 10 days since. The permitted number of exceedences per year is 18. I will be updating these figures for the entire period of closure and will send them out to you shortly.

Barbican Area Strategy Review
If you would like to let the City know about your views on air quality and what you would like the City to do about improving it – then please have your say in the Barbican Area Strategy Review. The City is gathering information in several different ways – you can fill in the questionnaire that was posted to your address, or give your views On line: A dedicated website has been set up http://barbicanarea.co.uk/. This includes an online questionnaire and an interactive map where you can provide comments and upload film clips or images. Or,
Visit the exhibition and drop-in sessions: Public drop-in sessions where staff will be in attendance will be held on Thursday 31 July and 7 and 14 August and Tuesday 5, 12 and 19 August from 12:30-2pm and 6:00-7:30pm. The exhibition will be in place on Level G in the Barbican Centre foyer apart from 7 August only, where it will be in the Silk Street entrance foyer.

If you would like more information on the project and the public consultation please go to www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/barbicanarea or email BarbicanArea@cityoflondon.gov.uk or contact the project manager, Steve Miles via 020 7606 3030.

1 comment :

Anne said...

Entering comments on the map can become quite addictive, but it's been a good way to express all my opinions, even the minor niggles.