Thursday, 28 February 2019

Cold Water Tank Project ~7th May - 26th July

The City has announced the project to repair or replace all cold water tanks throughout the estate.  This will affect the non-potable water supply to flats; the supply to at least one tap, typically the kitchen tap, will come direct from the mains while other cold water will come from the tanks.

The tanks for Ben Jonson House will be covered between 7th May and 26th July this year, weather permitting.

Click to read the whole letter

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Transmitter masts atop the arts centre?

The planning committee of the Barbican Association has spotted an application to install transmission equipment on the roof of the theatre fly tower (the high point of the structure above the conservatory).   Below are couple of sections from the planning list (with links to the whole document) followed by commentary from the BA planning committee.

Click to read the whole document

Click to read the whole document

Very close to some homes
Plant location in cutaway
There are repeated assurances that radiation from transmitters has no impact on health, but there are also well reasoned (also repeated) expressions of concern, for example this paper by Green Audit Aberystwyth  (from

Objections to ref 19/00108/FULL;19/00109/LBC.

From the BA planning committee:

In the list, dated 15th February, there is most definitely something of note however as there is an application for permission to install 18 antennae, 4 dishes, 8 equipment cabinets and associated ancillary equipment on the roof of the Barbican Centre. Looking through the documents on the CoL Planning website (reference numbers 19/00108/FULL and 19/00109/LBC) it is clear that the proposed installation will not be in keeping with a listed building in a Grade 2* star listed estate/conservation area and poses a potential threat to health despite assurances to the contrary. In terms of scale, the Barbican Centre is 27 metres high. To the top of the proposed antennae it will be 30.4 metres high, meaning that the antennae will project 3.4 metres above the roofline and clearly visible by many residents.

What the application makes no reference to is the proximity to residential buildings. Over and above the objection of such a site being located in a listed building/conservation area - and as the objection from a resident of Frobisher Crescent on the website highlights - "there is no acknowledgement....that Frobisher Crescent - adjacent and connected to the conservatory turret/proposed site - is a residential building containing 69 residential flats as well as offices. The front doors of 15 of those flats directly face on to the site of the proposed masts..........Most worryingly for the 6 flats on the ninth floor of Frobisher Crescent the bedrooms are at the same height of the proposed masts.....Whilst health and safety information referenced within the supporting application documents says that there is insufficient evidence to prove that the masts and their radiation can cause health issues I do not believe that this has been applied to the fact that people will be at the same height as the masts over night, every day for prolonged periods. This is a grave concern for residents in the affected flats................... "

The full text of this objection, plus his supporting photograph, can be seen both on the CoL Planning website and in the attached document in which I have sought to highlight the key points associated with this application. I apologise for my technical incompetence in being unable to copy the important and highly relevant pictures into this document. I refer in particular to the drawings of "East Part Elevation - Existing" and "East Part Elevation - Proposed" which clearly show the scale and height of the proposed installations.

This application will clearly be of concern to residents in many, if not all, Barbican blocks.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Overnight works at Cote - 21st & 22nd Feb

The Arts Centre has written to let residents know that Cote are having an anti-shatter film applied to the outside of their windows.  The reason for doing so it to mitigate the effect of any external bomb blast (!).  Important stuff then, but no so important that Cote wish to disrupt their business.

The anti-blast film will be applied safely outside of trading hours, between midnight and 07:00 on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd of this month.

Click to read the whole notice

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

More on the Cote smells

Here is an update on the matter of the Cote smells.  First a note from the chair of the Ben Jonson House Group followed by a letter from Cote.  All positive stuff.

To respond to the house group please use the form at the bottom of this page, or send an email to

Cote Survey

Thank you to all those who responded to the survey about odours and noise from Cote. Of those who responded, about a third have been adversely affected. We also know that a number of Breton House residents have complained about these issues.

Together with the chair of the Breton House Group I met with Mara, the new supervisor at Cote, a couple of weeks ago. She is aware of the problems, seemed sincerely sympathetic and has, within the last month or so, initiated a number of actions designed to overcome the odours.

It would, therefore, be helpful to know whether you have noticed any improvement. If so, please let us know

We will be keeping a close eye on the situation with a view to finding permanent solutions.

Chair, Ben Jonson House Group

... and a letter from the current Cote manager Mara ...
Thank you very much for coming to see me last week. I am sorry for the delay emailing you. I was waiting for our property manager to send me some information.

Regarding the parking units, he confirmed that the only things we have in the basement car park are the condensers for the air con units and the walk in fridge, nothing related to the extract system. 
Both the air supply and extract should switch off on the time clock. If there is noise in the basement after service then it is probably the walk in fridge condenser, assuming no one left the air-con switched on accidentally overnight, but this will not make much noise. 
I can confirm as well we have stopped using the odour neutraliser as per the residents request and reduced the speed of the fan to see if it makes any difference. It would be great to have some feedback from the residents on this and to know if they have noticed any improvements during the last couple of weeks.

All our filters have been serviced and cleaned on the 8th of January by Chapmans Ventilation. 
We also discussed the cleaning of the back wall in the rear area of the restaurant. I would like to confirm it has been completed today by Fluid Cleaning. 
Please let me know if I can help with any further information. I do hope we can find a way to improve the issues with the smell and I can guarantee I will do everything I can to help with this matter. 
Best Regards,

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

Golden Lane Campus - Flood Lighting Approved

The long running process of the Golden Lane Campus applying for permission to install flood lighting on rooftop playing areas has reached a conclusion.  The application has been approved.

From the chair of the Ben Jonson House Group:

Dear all,

I attended the planning meeting at Islington Town Hall last night along with about 7 other objectors from both Breton and Ben Jonson. 3 of us spoke followed by 2 speakers on behalf of the applicants, a spokesman from the lighting firm and a parent. The councillors decided that the outdoor exercise needs of the pupils took precedence over our concerns and so granted permission for the floodlighting.

It is very disappointing that the installation of a green wall to mitigate noise was dismissed as ineffective and that our petition for use to be limited to 6 pm or 6.30 at the latest was dismissed because permission has already existed from the start for use of the MUGA to 8pm. Although the school does not currently exercise this right in the daylight hours of summer, the Headteacher said this was only because they could not offer the same facility to pupils in winter.

It is the case that the school was trying to raise funds for a green wall to address air pollution, so there may still be some mileage in supporting that initiative, which has the backing of Islington's environmental team because pollution levels at the school are above the recommended limit.

Now that permission has been granted, we'll need to find ways of working with the school to limit disruption to our amenities.

Kind regards

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Renting out your flat? Register the tenant.

From the BEO:

Registering A Sub-tenant

Why you should register your sub-tenant?

Some Barbican long leaseholders choose to sublet their flats. The registration of sub-tenants is important for the Estate Office to be kept informed of changes regarding occupancy of a flat.
This enables direct communication when required with all Barbican residents, and therefore contributes to maintaining the security and good management of the Estate.

For further information on how to register a sub-tenant please see the website.

Maintenance Team - The Property Service Officers

The City have a web page explaining how to report a repair (Call the Repairs Reporting Line 020 7029 3909 or email, Monday to Friday, 8am - 5pm).

From the BEO:

Reintroducing: Barbican Property Service Officers
From left to right Alan Pease, Christoffer Sedgwick, Shaun Moore (Senior Engineer) & Raymond Sibson.
These gentlemen work tirelessly around the clock to provide the great service you receive. Between them, they have a combined 70 years’ experience with electrical, mechanical, building & plumbing trades to provide 24/7 cover to the Barbican Estate.

They carry out day to day reactive and planned maintenance across the Estate’s electrical and mechanical services and investigate issues from water penetration, noise complaints and monitor security arrangements. They also manage, install and maintain the Background Underfloor Heating network and control, service the ventilation fans across the Estate, provide technical advice and assistance to House Groups, Working Parties, internal contractors such as Metwin; and all external contractors such as electrical supply companies, residents’ contractors and VFM.

On top of all this, the 4 also provide the Out of Hours Duty Management of the Estate and are your first port of call for emergency electrical issues and leaks. Please contact repairs or your concierges if required out of office hours.

BMH - Wide Load Delivery on Thu 14th

From Taylor Wimpey:


Note that a wide load delivery to the BMH site is due to take place on Thursday 14th February at 7am. The loading bay will be in Brackley Street in the road closure and works will not commence until 8am according to consented standard working hours. The reason for the early delivery is because wide load trucks have to be off the road from 7am to 7pm.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Cote Smells Update

Our house officer Sheila Delaney has been working resolve the matter of cooking smells from Cote.  Most recently, armed with the results of the recent surve, Sheila has been talking with City environmental health officers.

Officers are guided by advice from central government:
Click to go to the government advice page
From Sheila:

Cote have been liaising with Environmental Health previously. They were dealing with Reese the previous manager.

Reese (who has since left Cote) was in touch with Environmental Health about the extract.  The new manager is a lady called Mata. 

A statement from Environmental Health is below: 
"I have been involved with the odour issues at Cote for some time now and have dealt with the manager Reese, who has now left. I have had no direct complaints from Barbican residents since the summer. I have never witnessed a nuisance during any of my investigations. 
We can meet on site to discuss your system, but I don't think much has changed since my involvement last summer? Unfortunately whenever a new complaint comes in I must start the same process of investigation as I have on previous occasions. The link below provides some further detail on the Environmental Protection Act."
The new contact I have for Cote is Daryl and he has advised that Mark (who appears to look after maintenance) has instructed Aspect (their contractor) to increase the number of times they clean the external part of the louvre as he thinks the grease that collects on these parts could contributes to any potential smells. Daryl also says that following my email Cotes have also turned the air freshener dispenser / deodorising system down to see how that works.

Shall we see if this actually makes a bit of a difference?

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Want to drill? Check the permitted noisy work times.

From the BEO:

Noisy Work Times and Public Protection

This is to remind residents that Home Improvements are to be carried out on weekdays between 10am - 4pm and no work is to be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays

If there is a problem during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 5pm) please call your House Officer, and if out of office hours please call your concierge or car park attendant.

More information on noise can be found on the Barbican Estate Website in the Residents Information Pack in Communal Living.

The propping open of (fire) doors - please don't

From the BEO:

Propping Doors Open and Moving In and Out


Please be aware that propping doors open is a security risk and an inconvenience to other residents.

When planning your move to or out of the Barbican Estate it is advisable to contact the Car Park Attendant or Lobby Porter who can give advice on the following essential details:

Parking for your removal van
If the van cannot be accommodated in the car park you can apply for special dispensation to park in the street.

Height restrictions in car parks
The times of day during which you can arrange for removals. Usually this is between 8am and sunset.

For further information please check the website here in the Communal Living Tab in the Resident Information Pack

Drilling holes on Ropemaker St: 4th - 6th Feb

From the BEO:

Reminder: Trial Holes for no. 20 Ropemaker Street Development

Reach Active are undertaking trial hole excavation works on Silk Street to identify existing utility services for no. 20 Ropemaker Street development. Work will continue on Ropemaker Street, Finsbury Pavement, South Place & Eldon Street.

The works are expected to start on 4 February 2019 for approximately 2 days. Site hours are 07:30 to 16:00 with noisy works between 08:00 to 10:00 and 12:00 to 14:00.

Pedestrian and vehicle access will be maintained, Please click here for details.

Linklaters drain cleaning - 2nd & 3rd Feb

Linklaters have chosen to fix their drainage problems over the weeked. While this may be convenient for Linklaters it is less so for residents who are being disturbed by significant noise.

From the BEO:

Message from Linklaters
Notice of Weekend Working Emergency Drain Clearance 2 - 3 February

Unfortunately we have experienced a series of blocked drains within the building that require emergency works to ensure they are cleared, this will entail having machinery on site to assist with the clearance.
To comply with regulations waste material is required to be collected in a tanker and removed from site, by a specialist waste contractor. The works are scheduled for the weekends of 2/3 and 9 February 2019, where possible the vehicle and works will be contained within our boundary however, there is the likelihood that at some point the vehicle will need to be operated from the street level. We will ensure that any noise is kept to a minimum and only operated when necessary.
We apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause but unfortunately these are emergency works.

Contact: Linklaters Security Control Room 0207 456 2561

TV service interruption - 4th & 5th Feb

From the BEO:

Interruption to Estate Wide Television Service
4 and 6 February

Please be aware that on 4 and 6 February there will be planned power outages to the communal television system as the Barbican Estate Office replace the main distribution board feeding the system.

Each power outage is expected to last approximately 1 hour while we reconnect onto the temporary feed to allow the replacement distribution board to be installed.

The television system will be unavailable on 4 February between 12pm and 1pm and then again on 6 February between 3pm and 4pm. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.