Saturday 22 November 2014

Cultural Hub - 1st Dec meeting

Dear Residents

Do come and find out about the Cultural Hub and what it means for the Barbican Estate.

Monday 1 December 6.30 Weston Theatre, Museum of London

What is the cultural hub?
What plans for development do the Barbican Arts Centre and the Museum of London have?
How might these plans affect the Barbican area?

Come and hear the directors of the Arts Centre and the Museum of London answer these and other questions.

The Barbican Association has invited Sir Nicholas Kenyon, director of the Barbican Arts Centre, and Sharon Ament, director of the Museum of London, to talk to residents about the area review, the cultural hub, and their plans for their respective organisations. This meeting will enable them to present their ideas and offer residents an opportunity to comment and ask questions.

We hope that you will come along and hear them.

Chair BA,

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