Sunday 2 November 2014

External Redecorations: Week 14 (with squirrels!)

We're at the end of week 14 (w/c 27th Oct) of the external redecoration project.

We still have the scaffolding up around Golden Lane, and it will have to stay there for some time. Golden Lane must be closed while a scaffolding bridge is built, the flats above Golden Lane must then be painted and, the bridge taken down again.  A resident heard that the scaffolding would be around in this location until Christmas(!)  I've asked Mr. Murray what the plan is for this bit of the project.

... and, as a result of the scaffolding, there was a break-in this morning! ... by a squirrel. The affected resident tackled and ejected the intruder without too much difficulty, but beware!  Don't leave windows open wide enough for greys while the opening is unattended.

I also heard a report that one of the storage room doors was painted while closed, and was stuck shut when a resident visited.  I've let Steve know about this too.

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