Saturday 1 November 2014

London Film School Residents Meeting 5 November @ 18:30

The London Film School plans to move to the Barbican are moving along.  There will be a meeting for residents next Wednesday:

London Film School / Barbican - Residents

to be held
on 5th November 6.30 to 8 pm
to be held at The Last Stand Exhibition Hall One -The Last Stand Exhibition Hall One -Location: Junction of Beech Street and Golden Lane

1. Attendees representing the City of London and London Film School
Michael Dick Director of Operations
Alex Bentley City Of London
Mike Leigh Chair of Governors London Film School
Sir Michael Wakeford Governor London Film School
Jane Roscoe Director London Film School
Jayne Bird Partner Nicholas Hare Architects
James Taylor Senior Architect Nicholas Hare Architects
Phil Elliot Project Manager Gardiner &Theobald LLP
Helene Evans: Acoustician, Hoare Lea
Tim Mander: Structural Engineer, Intregral Structural Design
Andrew Warrack: M&E Consultan,t Hoare Lea

2. Introductions by Michael Dick who will Chair the meeting – (5 mins)

3. Introduction of the vision for the City of London for London Film school moving into Exhibition Hall One with a little background – MD – (5 mins)
4. Introduction of LFS – the organisation who it is, what it does, opening hours, impact on the residents in use - its aspirations and why the Barbican – JR (10 mins)

5. Introduction of the proposed Scheme – Scope of works – functional aspects of the building, and how the building will work and impact on the residents – JB (10mins)

6. Programme – PE (5 mins)

7. Question and Answer session say 30 mins

8. General Mingle – some of the layout drawings will be on display and the representatives of LFS and The barbican will remain to talk about the scheme in a more informal way - (30 mins)

9. 8 pm Meeting Close

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