Sunday 9 November 2014

External Redecorations: Week 15

We're at the end of week 15 (w/c 3rd Nov) of the external redecoration project.

Here is an update from Steve Murray.  Note in particular that the scaffolding around Golden Lane will be in place until (assuming the plans don't change) 14th Dec.  Another month.  Here is Steve's note :
We now have confirmation on the road closure to erect the scaffold over Golden Lane, this will be done next weekend 15th / 16th Nov with it being dismantled 13th / 14th Dec, the main works will be at street level to build up to the height of the podium as we are not going to allow works outside residents windows at this time, the rest can be erected as normal during the week. 
Sheila is also going to put a notice up in the lifts etc…for this 
Breton House is now nigh on complete with works going to programme on the third stage of Ben J. 
A letter has gone out already but you may want to remind the residents that we have a walk around planned for Ben Jonson @2pm and Breton @3pm next Wednesday where they can bring any issues up or of course pass on any feedback. 
Thanks, Steve
0207 029 3915
07786 855 580

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