Sunday, 23 December 2018

Plans for mobile phone masts on GLE

The City have released plans to put mobile phone masts above flats on the Golden Lane Estate.

The plans were released just before the Christmas hiatus with the window for objections closing on January 7th.  Typically unhelpful timing on the part of the City.

From GLERA (the Golden Lane Estate Residents Association):

In January CTIL (a joint venture company owned by Telefónica UK Limited and Vodafone Limited) will submit a planning application to place a telecomms station on the roof of Bowater House.

CTIL have a contract with City of London which gives them a legal right, subject to planning, to put equipment on the rooftops of Golden Lane. This in theory means every roof on our estate could be affected.

Our resident Councillor, Sue Pearson, received a letter earlier this week with notice of a two week consultation period - read here. MP Mark Field, our MP, was also notified. With her efforts and those of Councillor Mark Bostock objecting very strongly to the timing, it now looks like the consultation will be extended to January 7 before a planning application is submitted. Sue has also been in touch with Paul Murtagh, Assistant Director, Barbican Estate & Property Services. He was unaware of the proposals, has expressed concern and is now looking into the contract details. Tim Godsmark, Chair of GLERA has also written to CITL representatives.

The proposals will need planning permission but because utilities have special powers we are still unclear of what the process is and so there may not be the usual time period / scope to object.

It is essential that we all write now so that the utility company rethinks their plans.

Write to Rebecca Skerrett at GVA representing CTIL
Write to Mark Field MP

There is more information, copies of correspondence on the GLERA forum on the GLE website - do post your own comments, copies of emails sent.

Monday, 17 December 2018

Cote Survey - smells, noise, cleaning

The Cote restaurant at the junction of Beech St and Whitecross St, directly beneath Ben Jonson House, has been operating for several years.  Over this time they have provided a welcome service, and some very tasty food.  They have also been the source of frustration for some.

The house group is primarily a conduit for information.  A number of residents have raised issues about smells,  noise (e.g. throwing out glass in the evening) and cleaning (e.g. in the yard behind Cote).  The BEO have been trying to resolve these issues for residents by talking to Cote, but this has proved to be difficult partly because we don't have a complete understanding of who is experiencing what (including who has no problem at all).

You might ask why the survey is for that whole of Ben Jonson House, how could Cote could affect people at the western end of Ben Jonson House, but some of the smell complaints have come from flats overlooking Cripplegate Street.  Are these smells from Cote, or something else?  We'd like to know.

Hence the survey.  The aim is to get a map across the the whole building of what people experience, if anything.  With this information we can work with Cote (or other source of smells/noise/mess) to get the issues resolved.

So, please do give your views via the survey.

Here is the survey email message from the BEO (who are very keen to point out that this survey is indeed at the request of the house group!):

Message sent on behalf of the Ben Jonson House Group

The House Group has requested a survey about Cote restaurant is sent to residents of Ben Jonson House. Please complete the survey by clicking on the link below.

Please complete the survey by Friday 4 January 2019. Many thanks.

Please click here for survey about Cote restaurant

Friday, 14 December 2018

Healthwatch City of London

From the BEO:

Have your say on a new City carers' plan

Commissioners are seeking views on a new draft City of London Carers' Strategy.

The plan sets out how the City of London will work to improve life for carers over the next three years.

Click here for further information.

Grey Squirrels

From the BEO:

Grey squirrels can be a problem in the gardens and balconies, please click here to find out what can be done to keep them out.

Do not feed them or leave out food they can forage.

BEO Holiday Working Hours

From the BEO:

This is to inform residents that the Barbican Estate Office will be closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day. The office will also close at 1pm on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.
Wishing Everyone a Happy Christmas!

Television Services

Like many people on the estate I have a contract with VFM.  I just use their fibre Internet service, not the TV service.  I am surprised to see the BEO and City interpose themselves between VFM and their customers.  Why is it reasonable for someone in the BEO to sit in judgement over me if I have a dispute with VFM?

Anyhoo, from the BEO:

Discussions have taken place with VFM concerning the television service.

Concerns have been raised regarding the taking of credit card details from residents in the event the fault is with their own equipment as this is not covered by the license the City has with VFM.

It has been agreed that credit card details will no longer be taken when a fault is reported but residents will be informed that a charge may be made if the fault is with the residents own equipment.  This charge, if deemed legitimate by the BEO, will come from the City of London.

Service Level Agreements with VFM are being closely monitored and a further review will take place in April 2019

The general feedback on the Broadband service is positive

Rubbish Collection Dates Over the Holiday Period

From the BEO:

Ben Jonson House will have normal rubbish collections over the holiday period, with no collection on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Minutes of the 2018 House Group AGM

Minutes of the 2018 House Group AGM

Here are the minutes from the AGM meeting. The PDF version is here. The text of the minutes is below.

Please let me know if you see any errors or omissions in the minutes.


The Ben Jonson House Group
19:00 on Wednesday 12th December 2018
The residents meeting room (Lilac Room)
Minutes of the meeting

Opening and Welcome
We are a Recognised Tenants Association (RTA) under the Landlord and Tenant act 1988 (as amended). This is the AGM we’re obliged to have each year.
We have 111 members as at 11th Dec. To be quorate we need 15% of members present, which is 17 people. 31 residents attended so we were quorate.

Apologies/Absent (committee members only):
  • Kevin Bond 
  • Helen Hulson 
  • Fiona Lean 

Minutes of the previous general meeting
Acceptance of the minutes proposed by John Murch and seconded by Wendy Spurry
The meeting accepted the previous minutes

Treasurer’s report
The treasurer report was read from the house group rolling agenda and minutes. The only expenditure has been on Staff Christmas presents for 2017. Balance last reported was £1400.
The meeting agreed to ask the house group to once again dispense Christmas Cheer to the staff who give such excellent support to residents throughout the year.

House Officer’s Report
Following the formal part of the AGM our house officer provided insights and details regarding the current matters on the house group committee rolling agenda. Any actions arising appear in the rolling agenda.

Election of the committee & seeking new committee members
The following committee members agreed to stand again:
  • Helen Hulson 
  • Fiona Lean 
  • Wendy Spurry 
  • John Murch 
  • Dave King 
  • Kevin Bond 
  • Bruce Badger 
  • Stephen Chapman 
The meeting accepted all those standing as committee members

Any Other Business
There was no other business for the formal part of the AGM. The meeting was closed.

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Please help your house group

The Ben Jonson House Group needs your help with two things:

  • Please be a member (  If we don't have enough members (>50% of owners) we will lose our Recognised Tenants Association (RTA) status.
  • Please come to the AGM (12th Dec at 19:00 in the Lilac Room) .  The critical part of the AGM takes just a few minutes once we are quorate (15% of members).  After that you are free to stay for the discussions and, of course, the wine and mince pies!

BA question the new plans for the Girls School

The City of London School for Girls have reopened discussion on their plans to expand the school.

The Barbican Association (BA) have reviewed the information available so far and have sent out a letter to residents.  The BA have a number of concerns with the proposals as they stand:
  • The loss of the Grade II* listed open vista beneath Mountjoy House compromises the architectural integrity of the Barbican Estate.
  • The proposed development, here in a conservation area and listed estate, may set an unwelcome precedent.
  • Compromise of residential amenity;  by noise and smells from cooking, delivery and waste handling activities in the proposed new kitchens.

Here is the letter from the BA:

Click to read the whole letter

Saturday, 8 December 2018

Girls School Expansion Plans

The City of London School for Girls (another of the many personae of the City of London) has been thinking about how it can grow for some time. 

The first set of plans involved building classrooms for the youngest children in the car parks beneath residential Barbican blocks.  These classrooms would have had no natural light at all.  Residents opposed these proposals because they didn't think it was a good idea for young children to spend long hours in artificial light, and also noted the proposed classrooms and supporting infrastructure (kitchens etc.) would have meant the loss of car parks for residents and the introduction of noise (from the kids, kitchens and deliveries) and smells (from the kitchens).

Having reflected on the wisdom of teaching small children in caves, the school has come up with a new set of proposals:

Click to read the whole flyer

Friday, 7 December 2018

Draft City of London Transport Strategy

From the BEO:

Draft City of London Transport Strategy

The City of London Corporation is currently consulting on its draft Transport Strategy until 13 January.
To see the proposals and comment on the future of transport, visit
To find out about drop-in sessions, visit

Elves (CPAs) in distress - collect your parcels!

From the BEO:

Prompt Collection of all Parcels and Packages from Now Until Christmas

Due to an increase in parcels received around the Christmas period, concierge offices begin to get very full. If you could please try to collect your parcels as soon as you receive your pink cards, this would be most appreciated.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

An actual Woodpecker

From the BEO:

Barbican Wildlife Garden

A Woodpecker was spied in the Barbican Wildlife Garden, earlier this week. Quite a surprise as we didn't think they would come into the City.

Apologies for the blurry picture, but at least the team managed to catch it. For more details on 'Woody' please click here and here for general updates on the Barbican Wildlife Garden.

Service Charges on the BEO Website

From the BEO:

Service Charges on the Website

Residents Service Charge information can be found on the website, we have now uploaded the schedules of the actuals and estimates for each block.

Please view the service charge page here where the schedules can be found.

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Residents disenfranchised by City Standards Committee

Further to the debate with the City about whether our elected representatives are allowed to actually represent us on matters relating to where we live, the BA has teamed up with the Golden Lane and Petticoat Square residents associations to try to get sense to prevail.

The following is from Jane Smith, the chair of the BA

I am enclosing a public statement that the BA together with Golden Lane and Petticoat Square residents' associations have made about two motions going before the Court of Common Council on 6 December. These propose an independent working party to look at an interpretation of the Localism Act that doesn't disenfranchise residents and a look at the appeals mechanism in the case of complaints.
I've also asked our councillors to support the need for an independent look at this. The meeting of the Standards Committee on 15 November didn't fill me with confidence that the policy they propose would address the underlying problem of being disenfranchised.

Jane Smith
Chair, Barbican Association

----Original message----
Subject : Residents disenfranchised by City Standards Committee

Dear Members of the Court of Common Council

Please find below a statement issued by three residents' associations in the City of London supporting motions to be put to the Court of Common Council of the City of London on 6 December.

Some background is available in

Jane Smith
Chair, Barbican Association

Residents disenfranchised by City Standards Committee 
The Barbican Association, Golden Lane Estate Residents' Association, and Petticoat Square Leaseholders' Association, together representing a majority of City residents, jointly support the proposal to be put before the Court of Common Council on 6 December that the City should establish an independent working party to consider the issue of dispensations under the Localism Act for members who have disclosable pecuniary interests. 
This working party should balance the need to uphold the anti-corruption principles of the Localism Act with the need for City residents to be assured that their elected members can fully represent them. 
Residents feel disenfranchised by recent decisions of the Standards Committee that have prevented our elected members from even speaking on issues of concern to the people who live in the City. We are not confident that the new policy being drawn up by the Standards Committee will uphold residents' rights to representation because it says nothing about how the Act will be interpreted in practice. We urge the City to adopt a more balanced approach and acknowledge that being able to elect fellow residents to represent them is a basic democratic right for your residents. 
The three associations also jointly support a second proposal that the City should establish an independent working party to consider the issue of how internal proceedings, currently handled by the Standards Committee, are dealt with. This follows a recent case in which a resident councillor was referred to the police and had proceedings brought against her in the Standards Committee after she represented her constituents on Golden Lane Estate on a matter in which it was never alleged that she (or anyone else) could have obtained any financial benefit. The case ended, after several months, with no investigation by the police and no sanction by the Standards Committee, but the possibility of its recurrence has had a chilling effect on resident councillors doing what they were elected to do.

Jane Smith
Chair Barbican Association 
Tim Godsmark
Chair Golden Lane Estate Residents Association 
Roger Way
Chair Petticoat Square Leaseholders' Association

Friday, 30 November 2018

Barbican Noisy Work Times

From the BEO

Noisy Work Times and Public Protection

This is to remind residents that Home Improvements are to be carried out on weekdays between 10am - 4pm and no work is to be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays

If there is a problem during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 5pm) please call your House Officer, and if out of office hours please call your concierge or car park attendant.
More information on noise can be found on the Barbican Estate Website in the Residents Information Pack in Communal Living.

Pigeons unfancied

From the BEO:


Please be advised residents can telephone the BEO at first signs of Feral Pigeons nesting on their balconies. Effective management controls have kept the Feral Pigeon numbers low which in turn keeps maintenance costs down.

To assist in the control of pigeons and seagulls do not feed the birds on the lawns or in the lakes, and especially not from your balcony.

Contractors visit weekly to control pigeon nesting and use a Harris Hawk to control pigeon numbers.
Please click here for more details in the gardens tab of the Residents Information Pack.

Beech Street - Explanation of Closure

From the BEO:

Beech Street Reopened - Explanation of Closure

Thames Water stated that works were in place to repair a leak, however it was more complicated repair than originally thought, as the leak was sourced in a totally different place to where the visible water was coming up. The repair was done on the 24 Nov, and Thames Water had to wait for the reinstated ground to settle before it could be opened again.  Reinstatement can take a few days until it's safe to reopen a road.

Unfortunately, notices from Thames Water tend only to be given if there's a planned supply interruption, hence why there was no information.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Cripplegate Wardmote - 20th March 2019

The new Cripplegate ward newsletter included an invitation to the 2019 wardmote

20 March, 7 for 7.30pm start
Barber-Surgeons Hall, Monkwell Square EC2Y 5BL

The event is explained in the newsletter:

Annual ward meetings known as Wardmotes will be taking place in each of the City’s 25 Wards early next year.  Electors are invited to attend the meeting in their ward, which provides an opportunity for them to meet their elected representatives (Alderman and Common Councilmen) and raise any issues they have with them. Details of the meetings are shown below and are also on the City of London website. The wardmotes below were confirmed at the time of writing but as arrangements for others are confirmed these will be added to the web link below. If the arrangements for any of the meetings change, updated information will appear on the website.

The Cripplegate Ward Newsletter

The December 2018 edition of the Cripplegate ward newsletter is here!

Click to read the whole newsletter

Friday, 23 November 2018

City Local Plan - 2036

From time to time the City go through the process of putting together a local plan.   I think they must have some legal obligation to do so because they jump through the hoops even though they often ignore the results; for example the local plan which is effect now was brushed aside to allow the Taylor Wimpey planning application through.

I'm sure the city officers responsible for putting together this new plan would love to have your comments, if only to validate what they are doing.

Draft City Plan 2036

The City of London Corporation’s Draft Local Plan, City Plan 2036, contains policies on a wide range of topics relating to the planning and development of the City, including offices, housing, tall buildings, open space and greening, shops, culture and community services.

There will be several events and drop-in sessions with officers in attendance to answer questions. Help shape the future of the City by
Please sign up here or email us at to add your name to our mailing list.

The consultation will close on 28 February 2019.

Please click Story Map which provides an overview of the City Plan in an interactive way through videos, maps and graphics. We hope this will help engage people especially from a non-planning background so please have a look!

City plans to remove the BBBB signs

From the Barbican Association, regarding the potential lost of the BBBB signs, for example:

A BBBB sign


URGENT: Resident Alert from Defoe House and Shakespeare Tower Resident Committees

We may lose our BBBB signs (and get massive illuminated lights instead) if we don’t act now.

Please object to this blatant disregard for our listed building status and have a heart for the residents in Defoe & Shakespeare whose bedrooms and living rooms will suffer from one of the new signs.

These new signs are not necessary. See Robert Barker’s detailed objection for the full story.

Deadline for objections is next week 29th November.

You can have your say by clicking the link here or by email and reference 18/00335/LBC. It is important that if you object, you make that clear in the email and/or online.

Please click here for possible grounds for objection.

Take Back Those Trolleys

From the BEO:

Please be reminded that shopping trolleys are not to be left on the Estate. If you are able to push a loaded one to your flat, you should be able to return an empty one with ease.
We do appreciate your cooperation in this regard.

BEO: Vent Fluff Cleaning Service

From the BEO:

Vent Cleaning

The vents in the kitchen and bathrooms can become blocked overtime by lint, dust, moisture and cooking fats. This reduces the flow of air through the ventilation system causing damp or moisture in the property and gives fuel to a flame if the worst was to happen. 

At your request the vents in your flat can be vacuumed clean and checked for good operation. 

Please contact the Repairs Reporting Line or call 020 7029 3909, Monday to Friday 8am-5pm to make an appointment.

Trial hole digging, Silk St & Moor Lane 3 Dec

From the BEO (some of the dates look a bit wrong in this announcement)

Trial Holes for no.20 Ropemaker Street Development

Reach Active are undertaking trial hole excavation works on the footway and carriageway on Moor Lane and Silk Street from 3 December, to identify existing utility services. Work will continue on Ropemaker Street, Finsbury Pavement, South Place & Eldon Street.

The works started on 19 September on Moor Lane, with the intention of being completed Friday 21 with all works clear by close of play Monday 24.

Moorfields will start Monday 24 / Tuesday 25 September with the works taking 6 days. Site hours are 07:30 to 16:00 with noisy works between 08:00 to 10:00 and 12:00 to 14:00.

Pedestrian and vehicle access will be maintained, Please click here for details and see here for a map.

Noisy Work on Fann Street 26-28 Nov

From the BEO:

Utility works will take place on the footway on Fann Street between the 26-28 November 2018; Allcom will comply with the noisy hours working times as provided by the local authorities. Please see here for map and here for further details.

Please contact Kieran Wilson by email or telephone 077808665062 if there are any concerns.

Background Underfloor Heating

From the BEO:

Background Underfloor Heating

This is to inform residents that the heating system is background underfloor heating, not a full central heating system and that residents are obliged to provide their own supplementary heating. If you’d like some extra information about how the system works and what levels you should expect, please click here and search in the 'repairs' tab.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

2018 Xmas Gathering & AGM - Wed 12th Dec 19:00

Ben Jonson House residents are invited to Wine, nibbles, and hopefully a quick-quiet AGM at 19:00 on Wednesday 13th December in the Lilac Room. See here for directions to the Lilac Room. The agenda for the AGM is here.

The AGM part of this is quite important. We need 15% of members to be present to have a very quick AGM (10 minutes of admin). As soon as the meeting is quorate we do the formal bit, and then get back on with the wine, mince pies and discussion topics.

The committee is hoping that the lure of wine and mince pies will draw enough people along.

In addition to the hopefully swift formal part of the AGM, there are some specific items the committee would like to discuss with you:
  • Estate security - stories & paid for security? 
  • Smells from cote 
  • New Carpets? 
  • Staircase Security (blue cages)
The house group must have an AGM every year or else we can be a house group. Please do just pop in for a short while.

And please do sign up as a member (!

Friday, 16 November 2018

Rechargeable Costs to Residents

The BEO can help with may maintenance issues, but you should be aware that for some things the BEO will charge you ...

From the BEO

Rechargeable Costs to Residents

This is to clarify the procedures and reasoning for recharging for certain aspects of work carried out by contractors working on behalf of the Barbican Estate Office.
Please click here (or below) for further information.

Rechargeable costs to residents. 

The following information is to clarify the procedure and reasoning for recharging for certain aspects of work carried out by contractors working on behalf of the Barbican Estate Office. 

Water penetration 

When water penetration (i.e. water ingress to a flat) is reported, the Call Centre will raise an order for an investigation. This is usually the same day and involves our contractor making safe and isolating the water supply. It is only when the inspection has been carried out by the contractor, that the Call Centre will be advised on whether their investigation is rechargeable to the resident. If the leak is from plumbing which the leaseholder is responsible to maintain, e.g. shower, washing machine, dishwasher etc, it will be recharged. Both this resident and the resident who has suffered water ingress will be notified by way of a letter from the Call Centre. The former resident will be advised in the letter that the investigation is rechargeable to them. The resident will also be asked to carry out any necessary repair work. If repair work is not carried out within a reasonable timeframe the estate office will review requesting access to carry out the work and recharging the cost to the resident. If a leak affects City of London tenants’ flats, and if it is from one of their appliances e.g. washing machine it will be the tenants’ responsibility and they will be recharged for the contractor’s visit. They will also be asked to fix the appliance. If the leak is from their bath or sink, i.e. any of the fixtures inside a tenanted flat, the Barbican Estate Office will arrange for our contractor to fix this and there is no recharge made to the tenant. 

Broken windows 

Broken windows should be reported to the Call Centre and the officer will ask how the damage was caused, and if the crack is internal or external. If the crack is internal and accidental, the resident may be able to reclaim the cost on the building insurance. If the damage is external the Barbican Estate Office will arrange the work as a service charge item. Most damage to windows is accidental. and this can also include damage to privacy screens which can get broken during periods of high winds. Residents should be encouraged to report broken windows/privacy screens as soon as possible, to avoid accidents to themselves and contractors. 

Blocked sinks 

Both City of London tenants and leaseholders are charged for these blockages. The exception is if there is a blockage in the communal stack and this goes against the service charges for the block. It should be evident if there is a blockage in the stack as usually more than one resident is affected. If there is a blockage in the stack, the estate office contractors will be asked to attend and deal with it. 

Lock changes 

Both City of London tenants and the leaseholders will be recharged for lock changes if they lose their keys. The estate office will not arrange for the lock changes for Chubb and other security locks which always remains the responsibility of residents.

Tailgating & Security

From the BEO:

Tailgating & Security Reminder

We are taking this opportunity to remind residents to be vigilant about tailgating. This is the biggest security threat to the Estate and possibly the easiest to solve.

It seems prudent to remind residents not to hold the door open for anyone without a residents estate key but also to be mindful that the doors close properly behind you.
If you are not comfortable closing the door on someone and there is someone behaving in a suspicious manner, then please wait until you are in a safe place and call either the Police or your nearest Concierge or Lobby Porter.
Please do try to report it as soon as you can.
In the same way if you feel that someone is acting suspiciously then please contact your Car Park Concierge, Lobby Porter or the Police.
Please also remember not to 'buzz in' strangers to the block
If you spot that a door is not closing properly, please report it to Repairs.

Ultra Low Emission Vehicles trial

The City are putting a toe in the water regarding encouraging the use of ULEVs (Ultra Low Emission Vehicle), e.g. plug in electric cars.  There is a flyer for a trial which being proposed for Moor Lane.  Officers were asked if this could instead happen on Beech Street, especially as this is one of the most polluted streets in London ... but officers apparently resisted this, claiming it would be too hard.  Hmm.

The Moor lane proposal has two options, one is to retain the current barrier which limits the times Moor Lane can be used for through traffic (this barrier was hard won by residents who had been disturbed by though traffic), the second is to remove the barrier to open the street to through traffic again, but only ULEV traffic.  Here is the flyer, followed by a notice from the BEO:

Click to read the whole flyer

From the BEO:

Moor Lane Ultra Low Emission Vehicle proposal consultation

The City of London Corporation would like your views on the proposal for a trial on Moor Lane which would restrict access through the south end of Moor Lane to only Ultra-Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV).

As part of the Low Emission Neighbourhood project, which is a series of measures supported by the Mayor of London to improve air quality around the Barbican area, this proposal aims to pilot the concept of ULEV access only streets in the City, raising awareness of the concept and encouraging the uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles by road users in the City.
The City of London Corporation are proposing two options, with the view to this experimental scheme to running for a year from April 2019.
  • Option 1: operate an Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle only restriction at the police check-point on Moor Lane 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Option 2: operate an Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle only restriction at the police check-point on Moor Lane during existing road opening times (checkpoint will remain closed to all road users, weekday evenings 11pm - 7am and at weekends)
The City of London Corporation would like to hear your views regarding the proposal to pilot an Ultra-Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) access only restriction at the southern end of Moor Lane.
This pilot scheme would start in April and last for a year.There are 2 options, one of them removes the gate on Moor Lane that at present closes between 7am and 11pm.

All areas of Moor Lane will still be accessible from the north (via Silk Street, Milton Court or Ropemaker Street), however the proposal would mean only ULEV compliant vehicles could drive through the area by the police barrier at the south end of Moor Lane.

As Barbican residents, we would like to hear your views on this proposal. Please read our consultation document and, if you’d like to have your say once you have read the consultation information, please respond to our survey here

Further details can be found at:

Concrete Repair Works - Update

From the BEO:

Concrete Repair Programme 2018-2019

Please be aware that the Concrete Repairs Programme will start in Breton House Car Park on 16 November as per schedule.

Click here for further information and a programme of works, which is available on the website. The programme is subject to change due to external forces, such as extreme weather. Should you have any queries or concerns please contact the allocated Project Manager, Neil Clutterbuck by email
We would like to thank residents for their patience and co-operation whilst these works are being carried out.

We can clarify that work has been completed on Thomas More House, Seddon House, Lambert Jones Mews, John Trundle Court and Bunyan Court.

We appreciate that the works were disruptive, and hope that we prepared residents for the disturbance that works inevitably cause.

In order that we may continually improve our services, we value feedback from residents. Please contact your House Officers with any issues, or if you believe work may be still outstanding.

A point of clarification is that the SikaGard 680S Clearglaze which is a clear anti-carbonation coating has been specified to be applied to repairs where there is a limited concrete cover to the reinforcement. Consequently, it did not need to be applied to all the concrete repairs.
The programme of works can be found on the website.

Noise Complaints - the City wants to hear more

At the Barbican Association (BA) General Council meeting this week I heard that members of the BA had attended a meeting with City officers at which they were told that there were almost no noise problems in or around the Barbican Estate. The City officers knew this because they have received almost no complaints.

If you are disturbed by noise, don't hold back, call the 24 hour environmental protection number:

0207 606 3030

Or send in an email to

These details can also be found on the blog useful numbers page.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

The Police

If you would like to contact the police, the numbers are always available on the Useful Numbers tab here on the blog.

...  but just in case:

City of London Police
Control room (24 hour): 0207 601 2222
Bishopsgate police station (24 hour): 0207 601 2606
Barbican Estate police station (office hours only): 0207 601 2456
... and of course 111 for a non-emergency and 999 for an emergency
See also the City of London Police Reporting a Crime page.

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Noisy Work Times and Public Protection

From the BEO:

This is to remind residents that Home Improvements are to be carried out on weekdays between 10am - 4pm and no work is to be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.

If there is a problem during office hours (Monday to Friday, 9.15am to 5pm) please call your House Officer, and if out of office hours please call your concierge or car park attendant.

More information on noise and the Good Neighbour Guide can be found on the Barbican Estate Website in the Residents Information Pack in Communal Living.

Alex Novoa’s funeral

The chair of the Ben Jonson House Group attended the funeral of Alex Novoa:

I went to the funeral yesterday, along with a great many of Alex's colleagues from BEO.  The rows in front of us were full of Alex's friends and family supporting Claudia and their three children.

It was a very emotional occasion for everyone there and although the service was conducted in Spanish, it was deeply moving to witness the happiness and love so evident in the many family photographs projected onto the screen. Afterwards, candles were lit around Alex's photo and balloons with messages from those present were released into the sky.

I spoke briefly to Claudia to express the sympathy of BJH residents and she asked me to express her gratitude for the fundraising Bruce set up. It is really heartwarming to see the amount of support the fund has attracted.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Alex Novoa funeral on Thu 8th Nov

From the BEO, below, the details of the funeral for Alex.

The funeral for Alex Novoa will be on Thursday 8th November 2018, 3pm at City of London Cemetery and Crematorium.

Aldersbrook Road
Manor Park
E12 5DQ

Friday, 2 November 2018

Gardening Committee October meeting

Here is a report from the Ben Jonson House Group representative on the estate gardening committee:

I attended the GAG committee meeting last week, and a subsequent tour of the Ben Jonson/Breton garden areas yesterday.

The GAG started with a tour of the Thomas Moore Gardens, in the company of Jake Tibbetts (City of London Gardens) and Paul Bandassari (Head Gardener in Barbican Grounds)

Key Points raised:

  • The Lawns in Thomas Moore have been scarified twice, which is the first time this has been done in many year. The lawn has recovered after hot summer. There were objections to the watering, as this was seen as unnecessary. Paul B will therefore switch off lawn watering, if possible, next year.
  • The Thomas Moore/Mountjoy open space will be used as a open potting area for gardening team. This will enable them to reuse more plants and keep costs down.
  • Nigel Dunn (who designed the new planted area of Dry Gardens has done several educational sessions with the gardeners and volunteers. However, a general 'Meet the gardeners day' has not been arranged yet, most House Reps wanted this to take place in summer. Hopefully, this will take place in Spring. Jake Tibbetts to arrange.
  • Flower beds around BJ and Breton House have been updated and weeded over the summer - much improved
  • The BHS would like more people to join the Society and attend their events - membership details on the British Horticultural Soc website
  • Group Inspections -these have been done by each house, 6-monthly for 18 months (I do the BJ inspection with Breton House (Jo Rodgers) and Cromwell Tower. Generally it was noted that not much planting has been done over that period, and the beds look pretty much the same. We queried whether this was due to lack of staff, the difficult summer, or because of the forthcoming resurfacing and replanting of the BJ/Breton area in 2019 (with the drainage works). Paul Bandassari said that their budget was tight, but the gardening team was the same size as always, and in fact they had brought in some short term staff for assistance over the summer. The conditions this summer had been very challenging for the gardening team over all the estate. Moisture had been the largest problem, but they had managed to keep most of the plants alive. Paul is aware of the upcoming redevelopment of the BJ Highwalk, but this has not influenced the work put into the area. They are making sure all the beds are kept green and as tidy as possible, but new plants will not be put in - as they would be removed in the redevelopment.
  • The Speed Garden replanting has not taken place this summer. It may go ahead next spring, but this is dependent on budget allocation.
  • The barbican lake will require draining and de-silting shortly. This is a new item on the estate agenda, and money will need to be found from the budget to cover it.
  • Barbican at 50 - is anything being done in the gardens to celebrate this? The RCC did not want to spend any money on this event, and the City of London has nothing in its budget for it either. The Arts Centre will be having additional tours and events. Money will need to be raised from corporate donations etc if anything extensive is to take place. The BA is looking into this.
Jo Rodgers and I had an Inspection Tour of the Ben Jonson and Breton House flower beds with Paul Bandessari yesterday. We looked in close detail at the work done on the lawns and flower beds in the area. Paul's team has done a lot of work to keep them green over the summer. Some areas will need a lot of pruning to remove dead branches after the dry spell. Paul restated that the forthcoming redevelopment of the Ben Jonson High Walk, removal of Yellow Shed etc has not affected the attention to the existing plants in the area. But no new ones will be planted as this would be a waste of time and money if they are to be removed in the next year or so. He is working to improve the soil and drainage in all the larger beds, which will keep them green.

We discussed the overhauling of two beds near to Breton house, and the removal of the wooden flower boxes on the Ben Jonson High Walk. We also would like to see the removal of the netting on thee sides of the towers on Ben Jonson High Walk, as the plants do not survive well there, and many residents would like to see the towers return to their unadorned state! This will need to be discussed at committee level and with the House Committees.

TfL Transport Forum: 29th Nov

From the BEO:

Transport for London - City of London Residents’ Transport Forum

Transport for London are hosting their first City of London Residents’ Transport Forum on Thursday 29 November at the Guildhall, Committee Rooms 2-3 from 6:15pm to 8:00pm. The forum will be chaired by Councilman Marianne Fredericks and will be an opportunity for residents and other key stakeholders from across the City to discuss key transport issues relating to Transport for London.

The agenda is being finalised but Barbican noise and vibration issues will on the agenda. If you would like to attend, then please email Ciaran McCartan at or Abbas Raza at so they can confirm your place.

Moving in/out & propping doors open

From the BEO:

Propping Doors Open and Moving In and Out
Please be aware that propping doors open is a security risk and an inconvenience to other residents.
When planning your move to or out of the Barbican Estate it is advisable to contact the Car Park Attendant or Lobby Porter who can give advice on the following essential details:
  • Parking for your removal van 
  • If the van cannot be accommodated in the car park you can apply for special dispensation to park in the street. See contact list (Parking Dispensation).
  • Height restrictions in car parks
  • The times of day during which you can arrange for removals. Usually this is between 8am and sunset.
For further information please check the website here in the Communal Living Tab in the Resident Information Pack.

Concrete Repairs

From the BEO

Reminder: Barbican Concrete Repairs Programme 2018
Please be aware that the Concrete Repairs Programme will start on Ben Jonson House on 6 November as per schedule.

Click here for further information and a programme of works, which is available on the website. 

The programme is subject to change due to external forces, such as extreme weather. Should you have any queries or concerns please contact the allocated Project Manager, Neil Clutterbuck by email:

Alex Novoa appeal update

The fundraising for the family of Alex Novoa  is going well.  The total as I write has just topped £2,500.

In addition to making very generous contributions, people have been asking me for information about how Alex's family are doing.  I don't have a great deal of detail, and really I don't want to ask too much at this time.  I communicate with Claudia by email, and the conversation is mainly about making sure the funds are accessible for her.

I contacted Claudia via the BEO after the house group decided we should try to help.  Claudia and I have not met in person, but Claudia has visited the BEO.  I know that the main concern at the moment is the cost of the funeral.  I understand there is no insurance or other cover there to help the family with this cost, but in addition to the GoFundMe campaign Claudia has received some help from other sources.  I don't have detailed accounts or anything like that, but my understanding is the cost of the funeral will be about £4,000 and the other sources provided something like £1,200.  This means that the very generous contributions to the GoFundMe are filling a critical gap.

Claudia has sent me many thank you emails, so let me pass the sentiment on to everyone who has chipped in.

The BEO have included an item about the fundraising for Alex and a link in the latest weekly bulletin.  Here is the text of that item:


Alex Go Fund me Page
The Ben Jonson House Group have started a 'Go Fund Me' page for Alex Novoa, the cleaner at Ben Jonson House who passed away on 17 October.

Alex leaves behind his wife Claudia and three young children.They are all in our thoughts at this terribly sad time.
If you would like to contribute please click here, or alternatively ask for an House Officer at the Estate Office reception to contribute in person.

Friday, 26 October 2018

Helping the family of Alexander Novoa

The house group has received a number of queries asking if they can help the recently bereaved family of Alexander Novoa.  I have set up a gofundme campaign with the aim of helping the family with immediate financial needs, for example the funeral.

Please do share the link around.  I'm sure Caludia would welcome all the help she can get.
Click to visit the funding web site

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Asbestos Work Next Week

The BEO posted a notice in the lifts to advise of planned asbestos work in staircases 62 and 63 on Wednesday 31st Oct and Thursday 1st Nov.

Click to read the whole notice

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Membership for the 2018 AGM

The AGM this year will be on Wednesday 12th December at 19:00 in the Lilac room (see the calendar).

Please be a member of the house group.  Here is why we are asking you to do this now:

  • Anyone who owns or resides in a flat in Ben Jonson House is welcome as a member of the house group, but to be an RTA the house group must have at least 50% of all flat owners as members (i.e. we need 102 owners because there are 204 flats in Ben Jonson House).
  • The qualification for being an RTA is measured when we have our AGM.  This is why we have a membership drive in the run-up to the AGM.

Please see the GDPR background and GDPR policy posts for details of how the house group membership system meets the requirements of the GDPR rules.

Alexander Novoa RIP

We heard this very sad news BEO this week:

We were all very shocked to hear that one of our team passed away in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

Alex has worked on the estate for 14 years, the last 3 years he was a cleaner in Ben Jonson House and prior to that he worked in Thomas More House.

Alex leaves behind his wife Claudia and his three young children.

They are all in our thoughts at this terribly sad time.

Alex Novoa
1973 to 2018

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Is the City preventing our elected members from representing us?

Of late the City has been interpreting and applying rules which have the effect of preventing our elected members from representing their constituents.  The BA is arguing that these rules are being applied excessively, with the effect that residents of the City are being disenfranchised.

Currently, members are being prevented from speaking and/or voting in decision making meetings where they are deemed to have a pecuniary interest.  For example, if a common councillor  lives in a Barbican flat they are prevented from speaking or voting at meetings which affect the estate ... which means that our elected representatives are prevented from contributing to issues which matter greatly to the people who elected them.

Of course the City disagrees with this.  They say they are only doing what they are required to do.

Here is the most recent message from the chair of the BA to the City.  The first two were effectively "we think you are disenfranchising us" and the City saying "oh, no, we're not".


Subject : Re: Your email dated 24th September 2018

Dear Mr Greenbaugh

Thank you for your letter. We have read it carefully and also considered the paper put before the Standards Committee on dispensations at its meeting last week. At this stage we are responding only to your query about the practice in other local authorities.

We, of course, accept that a potential conflict exists if a councillor owns a flat in the City. We also accept that it is important to preserve public confidence in local government, but from the point of view of that part of the public that are your residents, that also means that we need to be confident that our elected councillors can adequately represent our interests - by at least speaking and sometimes voting - on matters which affect some or all of their constituents and do not relate in particular to their own DPI.

The act provides a mechanism for balancing DPIs against the need for citizens to be represented though requiring declarations but issuing a dispensation where it is "in the interests of persons living in the authority's area." Our argument is that this provision is widely used by councils throughout the UK, and we would like the City to also apply this common practice. There is plenty of evidence that local authorities grant dispensations to councillors who are tenants or leaseholders of council property and do so on a "blanket basis" for a councillor's term of office. Certainly an application has to be made, but the policy then says that it should be granted.

I refer you to a paper presented to Manchester's council in 2017 which asked the Standards committee:
"To agree that it is appropriate for any Members of the Council who are
tenants of Manchester City Council to be granted a dispensation
pursuant to section 33(2) (e) of the Localism Act to allow them to
participate and to vote on matters in relation to housing (provided that
those functions do not relate particularly to the tenancy or lease of the
Council Member concerned). Such requests should be submitted in
writing to the Monitoring Officer."
[The Manchester Standards Committee did agree at its meeting on 15 June 2017.]

Tower Hamlets has a similar policy:

As does Oxford:

So do Wakefield, Ipswich, Barnet  … and many other local authorities.

We are not asking for special treatment – only standard practice within local authorities throughout the land.

Best wishes

Chair, Barbican Association

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Proposed Flood Lighting at Prior Weston School

From the chair of the house group:

(apologies for the late posting of this to the blog.  Please do contact Fred if you would like to join this petition)


The residents of Ben Jonson House, Breton House and Cooper House in Whitecross are invited to support the petition below.

To support it either send your name and address to Fred Rodgers, 100 Breton House EC2Y 8PQ or email them to before 8 October please.

The Members of Planning sub Committee A London Borough of Islington
Town Hall
Upper Street
N1 2UD

Re: P2016/1803/FUL: Installation of floodlighting at Prior Weston School, Golden Lane Campus, 101 Whitecross Street, EC1Y 8JA (the Application)

We the below named who would all be affected by the approval of the Application, request that, if the same is to be approved, additional conditions are imposed to ensure that:
  • Effective acoustic screening, as proposed in the planning application P approved on 28 January 2006 but waived by Building Control 05 April 2006, is installed around the MUGA to half a metre higher than the proposed floodlighting, as soon as practically possible and before installation of the floodlighting;
  • The use of the floodlighting after 6.00 pm be restricted to term time and to one day per week, with no such use on Fridays; and
  • Only Golden Lane Campus pupils be permitted to use the MUGA at any time.
We trust that you will both note and take proper account of our request when considering the Application.

8 October 2018
Name Address

Dirty Bridgewater Street Fire Exit

The chair of the house group has written to the BEO:

A Ben Jonson House resident reported that the alcove on Bridgewater Street where the Fire Exit for Exhibition Hall 2 is located, is being used as an open toilet and frankly stinks.

This is particularly unpleasant for us because it is right next to one of our main residential entrance/exit doors.

I am assuming that the cleaning of this area is the Centre's responsibility, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could ensure that it is kept clean and if you can install any means of discouraging its misuse, that would be even better.

Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

Kind regards,
Chair Ben Jonson House Group

Saturday, 1 September 2018

Brutalist Tapestry Installation in the tunnel

The latest installation in the tunnel is "Brutalist Tapestry" by Jason Bruges.
Artist Jason Bruges has created Brutalist Tapestry, a monumental kinetic installation in Beech Street tunnel. The work translates imagery, video, sound and binary data into tangible marks, bringing a new cultural connection to the tunnel.
Something like this?
From the BEO:

Beech Street Temporary Closures (Westbound only) for 'Brutalist Tapestry' Installation
Sat 01/Sun 02 Sep 2018 (08:00 – 18:00):

Installation works for the new artwork ‘Brutalist Tapestry’ will take place 1 - 2 September, and will require the following temporary street closures in Beech Street:

To maintain easy access to Shakespeare/Defoe Car Park please note that entry will be diverted through the gated entrance accessed via the Barbican Centre public car park route (see image). This will be in place only when through-access in the westbound lane is not possible

Exiting from Shakespeare/Defoe car park will be as normal, left turn and exiting at Aldersgate Street
Deliveries will be diverted to access Lauderdale Place via Aldersgate Street where required, and will be managed by traffic marshals
Site plan showing works area.

Podium Waterproofing Surveys

I saw a chap with a theodolite on the podium last week.  He was taking measurements and painting marks (water soluble paint, he said) which I took to be part of the surveys were have been told about.

The BEO now tells us about "Podium Waterproofing Surveys" (see below).  The title suggests that the lessons from the Beech Gardens project have already been forgotten.  The first step for any works on the highwalks must be to fix the drains.  To start with waterproofing, without first fixing the drains, just means we end up with swimming pools ... as indeed we see in Beech Gardens.

The text of the message below does mention drainage, so hope remains ...

A plan for more swimming pools?
From the BEO:

Podium Waterproofing Surveys

Surveys for the podium are underway. Further surveys will be carried out between the 3 - 21 September including some intrusive surveys which will require breaking out work at trial locations. This is to review the build-up, joints, existing drainage and the damage the leaks have been causing. This review will be used to inform the scope and design for the repair and replacement works for the podium.

The trial holes will require a small area to be cordoned off during the works. This will not prevent access but you will not be able to walk through the working space.
The surveys will be conducted between 10am and 4pm as per the working restrictions on the Barbican.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Licensing - The City's code of good practice

The City of London have a code of good practice for licensing, which begins:

The Licensing Act 2003 (the Act) focuses on the promotion of four statutory licensing objectives which must be addressed when licensing functions are undertaken. The four licensing objectives are:
  •  The prevention of crime and disorder
  •  Public safety
  •  The prevention of public nuisance
  •  The protection of children from harm

Aim of the code
The aim of this code is to provide applicants and licensees with guidance on good practice for the promotion of the four licensing objectives which are paramount considerations at all times. The code is consistent with the Home Office guidance issued under section 182 of the Act and with the City of London’s statement of licensing policy.  

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Defibrillators Around the Barbican

From the BEO:

Defibrillators Around the Barbican
First Responder Department, London Ambulance Service

Please find a list below from the First Responder Department, London Ambulance Service of the sites noted that have defibrillators locally. Please be aware the accessibility of the defibrillators mentioned below is dependent on the offices they are located in.
*Police vehicles and other emergency services carry defibrillators and the London Ambulance Service send messages through for assistance when there are calls for problems with people breathing or suffering chest pains.
  • Barbican Underground Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4JA
  • Barbican Estate Lauderdale Tower, Lauderdale Place, Barbican, EC2Y 8BY
  • City of London School for Girls St Gile's Terrace, Barbican, London EC2Y 8BB
  • Citypoint One Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9AW
  • CityPoint Club 1 Ropemaker St, London, EC2Y 9AW
  • Guildhall School of Music & Drama Silk Street, Barbican, London EC2Y 8DT
  • Moor Place 1 Fore Street Avenue, Moorgate, London EC2Y 5EJ
  • Moorgate Underground Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AE
  • Museum of London 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN

Estate Surveys - Including drains?

The Beech Gardens project pulled up all of the gardens and tiles on the western part of the highwalk towards the Barbican tube station, the area was covered with a waterproofing membrane and the tiles and gardens reinstated largely as before, though the planting was changed (to mixed reviews).

One thing that didn't happen as part of the Beech Gardens project was fixing the drains, a thing you would have thought would have been right at the top of the list given that the whole project was kicked off in response to water leaking through the podium into the Virgin Active gym below.

So now we have new gardens, but the highwalk still floods and Virgin Active still suffer leaks.

The City are reminded of the Beech Gardens project when they raise the prospect of doing the same strip-back + membrane + new tiles and gardens thing at the eastern, Ben Jonson House end of the highwalk.

In particular they are reminded to make sure they fix the drains first, before getting into any other highwalk works.

Which makes the following from the BEO interesting.  Perhaps there is hope:

Reminder Notice: Surveys across the Estate
Podium Works

Please be aware that there will be a topographical survey and a pre-drainage survey taking place for the podium works across the Barbican Estate.

Topographical and utility surveys between 28 to 31 August and the drainage “Pre-survey” from 23 August for a month.

Both surveys are non-intrusive, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this regard.

Vandalised lift door - ~£350.00 to fix

It seems that there is someone who has access to Ben Jonson House who enjoys scratching the finish of the lift doors. A couple of doors were damaged and fixed not so long ago, and now the door of Lift 62 on level two has been damaged. The quote for fixing this latest damage is £286.65 + VAT which I reckon is about £350.00 in total, to be charged to the house maintenance account, so we all get to pay a bit.  And the lift will be out of service for blocks of time over a couple of days while the work is being done.

Click for a bigger version

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Dropped curb in front of Prior Weston School

From the chair of the Breton House Group:

Rineys are creating a 16.5 metre long dropped curb in front of PWS. It will run from just north of the car park entrance.

Other than being paid for by Taylor Wimpey, I have no other information and the Riney employee didn't have any either, not even a drawing! However, it will be noisy and dusty work to add to that across the road.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Replacing the Lift Lights with LEDs

From the BEO:

Replacing the Lift Lights.

As of next week, engineers will be updating the outdated lighting in the Barbican lifts to LED's, this work is being carried out to replace old wiring and reduce our carbon emissions. The plan is to start at lift 1 in Defoe and work around the estate in numerical order, however, this may change from time to time if necessary.

We will be looking at around an hour per lift and although the lift may be put into car preference whilst the modernisation is carried out, the engineers will be happy to allow residents to travel in them if required.

Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Brackley Street closed from 2018-08-13 for two years(!)

Taylor Wimpey have agreed with the City that they can close Brackley St for a couple of years.

The street in question.  Thanks for the map Google.

The letter from Taylor Wimpey:

Construction Update - Bernard Morgan House
Please see below a Bernard Morgan House Construction Update. Details of important changes set to occur in the next two weeks can be found below.

On Monday 13th August Brackley Street will be closed for the duration of the construction works. The construction works are expected to be completed by summer 2020. The closure will be used for vehicle loading and unloading. The closure has been agreed with the City of London as part of the Construction Management Plan.

Traffic will be diverted onto Fann Street or alternatively via Beech Street onto Bridgewater Street. Viscount Street will also be opened to traffic from both directions to enable a free flow of vehicles. The footpath closest to the site hoarding will be closed for the duration of works; however, the opposite footpath, which is closest to the UBS building, will remain open to pedestrians. The closure of Brackley Street will not impact the entrance to Barbican Estate car parks and access to Fortune Street Park will be maintained. Traffic management and signage will be in place throughout the road closure.

Further information on the road closure will be issued to neighbours in advance of Monday 13th August via the next construction newsletter and the weekly update emails.

If you would like any further information on the ongoing works at Bernard Morgan House please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below. Thank you for your understanding ahead of the closure of Brackley Street.
Contact Details
For urgent matters please phone:
McAleer & Rushe's Site Manager Gary Cullen on 07767161006
Or McAleer & Rushe's Project Manager Eoin Gormley on 07436 812217

For all other issues please contact Cascade Communications:
Freephone: 08081 686 677


And a map image from Taylor Wimpey sent out on 2018-08-09:

Click to enlarge

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Service Cupboard Asbestos Inspections

Your service cupboard has been inspected and (possibly) painted because the linings are made of asbestos. This time the section which is the "milk and eggs" section (third from the bottom) has been inspected and touched up.  If I had a sticker I'd include a photo, but I don't have a sticker.

Have a look at your cupboard. If you see a red sticker in your cupboard then work has been done. If you think more work is needed let the BEO know at .

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Service Cupboard Inspections

In late June the BEO sent out a notice that our service cupboards were to be inspected.  The notice says that there is an annual inspection of the asbestos linings of the cupboards.  I don't recall receiving a notice like this before, but there you go.  Here is the notice:

Click to read the whole notice
The inspections duly happened, but unfortunately a number of corridor facing doors were not properly secured after the inspection.  Several on the 2nd and 5th floors were left open.  The BEO are now aware of this.

Saturday, 14 July 2018

Annual Balcony Fire Safety Inspections

The primary use of almost all balconies on the estate is as a fire exit. We get to use them as "our" balconies whenever there is no fire, which thankfully is most of the time.

Every year the BEO staff walk every balcony in the Barbican to ensure that they are clear. Anything which may block a fire exit route will be 'stickered', and any stickered items must be removed to restore the fire exit route.

Here a notice from the BEO about the stickering for this year:

Balcony Fire Inspections are now all complete. Whilst this has seemed heavy-handed to some, we haven’t carried out this exercise lightly – the balconies are your fire escape route. Unfortunately we’ve had to remove a number of items from the balconies across the estate as they were still present past the date of removal.

Items we’ve taken include:-
  • 3 bicycles
  • 6 sets of tables and chairs (that weren’t folded down)
  • 2 large 200 litre storage boxes
  • I very large gas barbecue
  • 50 meters of astroturf
  • 20 meters of decking
  • Many very large terracotta pots
  • And various other items
If you would like to retrieve your items, the stores will be manned Friday 20 July between 2 - 4pm, (there will be a second date for collection later in the month)
For Mountjoy House, Defoe House, Thomas More House and Seddon House please go to Thomas More Car Park Box.
For Bryer Court, Bunyan Court, John Trundle Court, Ben Jonson, Breton and Frobisher and Shakespeare Tower please go to Breton Car Park Box.

For Speed House, Andrewes House, Willoughby House and Gilbert House please go to Andrewes Car Park Box.


Fire Risk Assessment

The new fire risk assessment documents are now available on the City of London web site.  Here is the report for Ben Jonson House:

Click to read the full report